SurveySageNFT Marketing Strategy That Will SELL OUT Your Project — A Case StudyIn my previous article, I wrote about a way to sell out your nft collection entirely by focussing on the aspects of the SUM framework. For…Apr 19, 202213Apr 19, 202213
Ren & HeinrichHow To Research Cryptocurrencies? A Step-by-Step GuideFind crypto gems without having any special skills and prior knowledgeSep 25, 202136Sep 25, 202136
InThe CapitalbyRen & HeinrichYour Guide To Researching TokenomicsLearn What Determines The Value Of A Cryptocurrency Or Token And Prepare Yourself For The Next Altcoin Season!Dec 25, 20217Dec 25, 20217
InChief of Staff NetworkbyEva-Marie Costello365 days as a Chief of StaffOn reaching the one year anniversary of being in a Chief of Staff role, I wanted to reflect on some of my quick-win learnings. I hope that…Apr 8, 20211Apr 8, 20211
Rob DickinsI’ve Logged 10,000 Hours as a Chief of Staff in a Large Tech Company; Here’s My POV on the RoleA description of three potential orientations for a Chief of Staff role in business and tech.Oct 22, 20178Oct 22, 20178
InChief of Staff NetworkbyJulia DeWahlThe Chief of Staff role in Silicon ValleyI served as Chief of Staff to the CEO during part of my time at Opendoor. Here’s an overview of the role, when and why the role is…Apr 29, 20192Apr 29, 20192
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InThe Coinbase BlogbyCoinbaseA Beginner’s Guide to Decentralized Finance (DeFi)Cryptocurrency’s promise is to make money and payments universally accessible– to anyone, no matter where they are in the world.Jan 6, 202023Jan 6, 202023
InIntro to Digital Product DesignbyAndrew AquinoLecture 2 : What is the Design Process?A detailed overview for designing digital productsJun 3, 201711Jun 3, 201711
Jessica LorimerFemale Entrepreneurs Are Failing: Now What?In a world where we’re trying ever harder to close the gender gaps and bring more equality to the fore, women still seem to be drawing the…Mar 12, 20195Mar 12, 20195
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Eric FengA stats-based look behind the venture capital curtain“If you can’t invent the future, the next best thing is to fund it.”Sep 23, 201811Sep 23, 201811
InThe StartupbyLars EidnesYou’re all calculating churn rates wrongMany smart people will tell you to obsess over your churn rate.Dec 3, 201811Dec 3, 201811
Tyler Elliot BettilyonWe Don’t Need More CodersEveryone is trying to break into technology, but I wish more people would break outNov 8, 201867Nov 8, 201867
InHackerNoon.combyAlex FeinbergHow I got hired by Google, why I left, and why I chose to join OKCoinIt was the summer of 2011 when I returned to a then quiet and quaint San Francisco. I remember walking across Montgomery Street and feeling…Jul 14, 201822Jul 14, 201822
InThinkGrowth.orgbySteve BlankWhy Entrepreneurs Start Companies Rather Than Join ThemIf you asked me why I gravitated to startups rather than work in a large company I would have answered at various times:May 7, 201865May 7, 201865
InBetter Everydaybyrob goHow VCs Get MeasuredVCs measure the performance of startups all day long. Many of the metrics that are used to evaluate companies are reasonably well…Mar 8, 20186Mar 8, 20186
InBetter Everydaybyrob goHow Hard Is It to Generate a 10X Return on an Investment?Disclaimer: This post gets fairly detailed on venture math. I generally think it’s helpful for founders who take VC money to understand the…Dec 14, 201712Dec 14, 201712